Step 1 - LOVE

Love is to accept the child as he or she is. Love brings out the best in everyone.

Step 2 - LAUGH

Laughter relaxes the body and when the body is relaxed, the mind is relaxed.

Step 3 - LEAD

A parent can lead when the child shares a good rapport and is ready to follow.

For every action of the parent, For every expression of the parent, For every word of the parent, the child writes a story.

Be the person you want your child to be. It is time to be a Mindful Parent.

Mind full to Mindful Parenting

Mindful Parenting - Instinct to Knowledge

Am I doing it right??

Why is my kid not listening to me?

Should I be sterner?

Am I too stern??

Many more are key questions parents struggle with…….

There is no right answer

There is the Right Approach


Screen Time is a major parenting concern. Screen Time cannot be snatched away, but can be limited by structuring the daily routine of the child.

Stubbornness is a learnt pattern. Unlearning is possible by forming a new pattern. This begins with not giving in to the unreasonable demands of the child. The trick lies in repeating the required outcome without saying NO. 

A child listens when it is heard. Be an Active Listener when the child is talking to you. Talk in short sentences and use few sentences. Children respond to Action words.

No parent can resolve sibling rivalry. Make sure they don’t get into physical fights. Don’t choose sides or  pass judgements.

Ask them to answer this question – “What did you want to achieve by fighting?

Workshops help parents understand parenting concepts to make conscious choices. Adaptability is the key to progress and adaptability comes with knowledge. The parent’s childhood is very different from the child’s childhood and every parent should accept this shift. Present day parenting is amidst technology, competitive education system, nuclear family, Urban lifestyle and digital world. Parenting workshops help parents develop emotional intelligence in children.

Study Time can be managed when the parent and child have a clear goal. Goal – Portion to be covered on a daily basis with corresponding worksheets or daily portion sheet in bullet points.

Study Time has 3 paradigms-

  • Physical Ability
  • Mental Ability
  • Emotional Ability.

Study Time should be structured according to these parameters. Time, Place , and portion should be clear.

Study time must be evaluated, and, appreciated and corrected wherever required.

Responsibility is Response+ Ability.

It is the ability to respond.

Parents can teach responsibility in 2 ways:

  1. Be the role model. Children learn from parents.
  2. Structure the duties for your children. What actions to do.

Children nrespond to Action Words.


Misbehavior is a learnt pattern. 

A wrong pattern learnt. Focus on what the child has to do, and not what the child has done. Say NO to misbehavior without labeling the child.

Happy Parents are the pillars of the Mindful Moments Community.

Every parent contributes by practicing and sharing their experiences.

Glimpses of the experiences of our Happy Parents.

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