Is Time Out an effective correction strategy?
Time out is a popular correction strategy practiced by lots of parents and teachers.
There are various reasons for choosing Time Out –
- Immediate stop to misbehavior.
- Child will calm down if left alone.
- The child will understand repercussions.
- Physical abuse can be avoided.
- The parent gets time to think and the child is out of mischief zone.
- The child will feel sad but not bad.
All these are very valid reasons. As the saying goes, “Truths and roses have thorns about them.” This doesn’t mean we let go off roses and truth. We avoid the thorns.
Time Out is also such a rose with its thorns. Some of the thorns of Time Out are
- The child feels lonely and neglected.
- The child feels being controlled and will remember this as a strategy to control others in future.
- The child is still looking for answers to the conflict that lead to Time Out.
- The child will accept Time Out and may start accepting it as Me Time.
Time In is an option that can help the child reflect and learn without any negative emotions.
Time in is a strategy wherein the child is asked to sit close to the parent, or teacher, Do 5 deep breaths and give an answer to the following questions..
- .”What did you want to achieve by doing what you did?”(Clearly state the misbehavior of the child).
- Did you get what you wanted?
- Is there any other way you could have got what you wanted?
- Sit here and think and tell what you would do next time the same problem happens.
The thumb role is don’t ask Why??
The answer to WHY is always about self-defence and justifications.
Practice Time In to teach emotional resilience and Conflict resolution to children.