Learning Process

Learning process

Neurons and learning process is a very important concept in parenting. Learning is not just academics, behaviour is also learning. Habits are concrete learning.

Parents have so many unanswered questions!!!!

  • How to teach values?
  • How to handle lies?
  • Why do kids lie?
  • How to teach cleanliness?
  • How to deal with tantrums, anger and stubbornness?

The answer to all the questions is knowing the answer to another important question, “How do we learn”?

We learn through repetitions. How does a child learn to cry for milk or attention? The first time it cried it got milk, again the second time, third time and then more number of times. So the brain stores the information – Cry = milk. If the child is doing something wrong, it simply means it has learnt a wrong pattern and that pattern should be broken and new pattern is to be repeated.


An understanding of learning process helps parents to observe patterns and make conscious choices.